Which Way To Wall Drug?

Hundreds of miles from where the little town of Wall, South Dakota is located you will see the signs. Actually, you can see signs on the other side of the planet. “Wall Drug This Way”. “Don’t miss Wall Drug”. “Free Ice Water At Wall Drug.” And countless more. Countless people have stopped in Wall just…

The Spirit Of The Badlands

“Late at night when the sun goes down. Riding across the plains. I’m going past the Badlands. That’s where spirits remain.” Randall Zwarte There is something very different about this National park. Something very other worldly. A rugged beauty that’s hard to comprehend. You really get the feeling you’re in a barren desert. With scattered…


OK. Close your eyes. No peaking! Remember back to being a kid. You gathered up your change. And headed out to the store. As you walk into the store you immediately turn to the candy area and search for your favorites. Fizzy’s, Bottle Caps, Turkish Taffy, Wax Lips, Charleston Chew. You grab your favorite then…

Haunted South Dakota

Lots of people love the thrill of spooky stories. And anyone who has lived in South Dakota has heard eerie and spooky stories. Maybe it’s sounds from an old widow that died alone in her house. Maybe it was towns people that took matters into there own hands secretly. With the ghost wanting his revenge….

Eight Things To Do This Summer In South Dakota

Summer is an amazing time of year for people in South Dakota. With the days getting hotter, it signals in the events South Dakota has to offer. Whether it’s Czech Days, Tea Pot Days, River Boat Days, Sioux Empire Fair, Springfield Fireworks, Turner County Fair, State Fair, Pioneer Days, or even the Granddaddy of them…

The Bon Homme Restaurant Challenge

So your on vacation? Visiting family? Or you live in Bon Homme county and your looking for something to do? Or maybe your just hungry and looking for some great food ? I’ve lived in South Dakota most of my life. And it amazes me how many times food in this area gets over looked…

Exciter SD