I know what you’re thinking. I don’t kick cats. The fact is though, you do. And we all do. Now you are asking, “What do you mean?”. Here is what I’m talking about. A new version of a story as told by the motivational speaker Zig Zigler. We are all cat kickers.

Mr. Johnson had a dinner meeting with some of his friends from the club when he suddenly realized he was running late getting back to the office. He quickly ran to his car and sped out of the parking lot. Heading back to the office he was speeding to get back in time. When suddenly, the flashing lights of the police behind him were telling him he was going way too fast. As he pulls the car over he quickly gets a ticket for speeding. As the cop pulls away Mr. Johnson starts speaking to himself. “Of all the things why did he pull me over! OK. Maybe I was going a little too fast. But don’t the police have better things to do? I mean there are murders, robberies. Why are they worried about poor innocent me?” Mr. Johnson was really upset.

As he pulls back to the office Mr. Johnson was 45 minutes late. As he slams the door to his office he calls in his sales executive. “Anderson! Get in here! I have a question for you. Did you or did you not get the Armstrong account? I don’t want to hear any lame excuses. That account was worth a lot of money to the company. So all I want is a simple yes or no.” “You know Mr. Johnson, I thought that account was a done deal. Papers in hand. But at the last minute they pulled out.” “You do not have a life of security at this office Mr. Anderson! You are not special and I expect results. Now you better find a way to make up that money we lost from that account or you can look for a new Job!” Mr. Johnson was really upset.

But if you think he was upset, you should have seen Mr. Anderson. He was really upset. “This company would die without me! Who does he think he’s talking to? I’ve been here 15 years and worked my fingers to the bone and he threatens me for something I can’t control!” About this time, he called for his secretary.

“I gave you some papers to mail off this morning. All I want to know is that you got this done without me asking.” “Don’t you remember? You told me to get the Higgens account wrapped up this morning. So that’s what I’ve been doing.” “I don’t have time for your weak excuses! Those papers need to be sent right now! You are not special. And if you can’t handle a simple task I will find someone who can and you can look for a new job!” Mr. Anderson was really upset.

But if you think Mr. Anderson was upset, you should have seen the secretary. “I cannot believe this! For my hard faithful service this is what I get! I mean don’t they know that without me this company would grind to a halt? I mean seriously! Who do they think they are?”

About this time the secretary walks out to talk to the switch board operator. “Look! I know this isn’t your job. But all you really do is answer a phone once in a great while and drink coffee. I mean it’s about time you get paid to do something. So I need these letters mailed. Do it! Or maybe we can find someone else to replace you to do this simple task.” The secretary was really upset.

But if you think she was upset, you should have seen that switch board operator. “I can’t believe this! These people have no idea how much I do for them in a day! Answering the phones all the time. Writing all the reports on top of trying to please everyone else! This company would fall apart without me!” But she did as she was told and mailed the letters.

As she went in the front door she seen her 12 year old son watching TV. When she looked at him, he had a hole in his new jeans. “Son! How many times do I have to tell you to change out of your good clothes after school! I have a hard enough time supporting us without having to buy you new clothes every week! Now get up stairs! Change those pants! And you’re grounded for a week!” She was really upset.

But if you think she was upset. “I can’t believe this! She didn’t even let me explain! I made one mistake and she freaked out on me! I mean she has no idea how I even feel!”

About that time, along came the family cat. The little boy jumps up and gave the cat a kick into the hallway. “You get out of here! You were probably up to no good too!”

Now, don’t you think that Mr. Johnson could have saved a whole lot of problems, just by going and kicking that cat himself?

When someone cuts in front of you at the grocery store. Or yells at you out of their car. Do you truly understand, it has nothing to do with you? Do you realize that someone has been kicking their cat? Now ask yourself a question honestly. Whose cat have you been kicking?

Until next time.

Click on the picture above to check out some more from Zig Ziglar.

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