There are definite advantages to growing up in a small town in South Dakota. One of them is having the security that kids can go play outside by themselves. Once they are older of course. Between the neighbors. The local police. And the fact everyone knows each other. There is a sense of security.

Taking advantage of this when I was young was common. Even though there were still time’s when I had to do some convincing of my mom. Riding bikes as a kid gave us a sense of freedom when we were young that could only be matched by a car.

A lot of times we would meet up with our friends. Just to do nothing but ride our bikes. A lot of times we would turn it into a race. First one around the block wins. This drove us to understand how a bike works. Things we could do to make it faster. Adding oil to the chain. Greasing bearings. Making sure the tires had the right pressure. Or even making sure that the handle bars were perfectly straight. All of which gave you a bit more of an edge. These same things latter in life would apply to a car.

Fast forward to being grown up. And a lot of people still love riding bikes. With people even riding their bikes across country and towns. And now, there are even more options than ever. With tons of actual bike and walking trails. Beautiful scenery. And skill levels for novice to expert. Most city parks have trails. Not all paths allow bikes though. So make sure you double check ordinance on the particular trail near you you are looking to ride on.

You do have other options. State parks are another one of them. You can look them up at the Game Fish parks website. They can steer you to several miles to explore. And provide an experience that you can find no were else.

Another thing that we did as kids was trying to be a Daredevil. We would set up a board at the top of a ditch and ramp our bikes into the air. Sometimes we would find dirt hills or torn up lots and drive our bikes through them like an obstacle course. But once again modern times have made this more fun. With new skate and bike parks. Once again, make sure to check regulations for your local park.

Riding bikes can be very good for your health. It can be a new adventure and way to explore South Dakota. And a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors. It can take the stress of everyday life to a much simpler time. That can be so valuable. Most of all, it just may take you back to being a kid again yourself. That just might be good for your soul.

Until next time.

Exciter SD