Are you looking for food, fireworks, music, dancing, parades, rides or pivo? (“pivo” is the Czech word for beer) Then Tabor Czech days is for you.

Once a year,  the town of Tabor South Dakota turns from a town of a few hundred, into a town of thousands. A celebration that’s been around for over 50 years. And there is no shortage of fun and heritage.

It all kicks off on a Thursday night in June with a fireworks display that can rival any in the area. This is also usually the time that the carnival opens and runs through the weekend. With a ton of rides, games, and goodies for all.

On Friday there is the parade. With local business, organizations, and family’s putting together floats that are fun and rich with culture. It also has historic cars, tractors, and horses. With plenty of candy for the kids. Saturday morning is a kiddie parade. It is a lot of fun to see the kids imagination run. And give them the spotlight.

Make sure you stop by Vancura Memorial Park. Here you can explore Czech heritage. As well as local history of the past in the Tabor area.

There is no shortage of amazing food. The Legion sells simple foods. Like ham sandwiches, pie, salads, and soups. While the Fireman sell pulled pork sandwiches down the street. You can also get some great food at the Keg. I recommend one of their grilled burgers. In between them, you can find carnival food as well.

But if your looking for something bigger, the Beseda Hall has a full meal. It is a true Czech meal. With sliced pork or beef, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, kolaches, dumplings, bun and more. The Beseda is also were you can buy yourself some kolaches to take home. Just make sure you get yours early. As they do sell out.

Live bands and entertainment are all over for the duration of the weekend. Both at the Keg beer garden and Beseda Park. Do make sure you see is the 1890 band playing at Beseda park Friday and Saturday night. This is also were you will see the Beseda dancers. A traditional Czech dance that I can tell you from experience, is just as fun to do as it is too see.  You can also see singing, dancing, crafts, and baking. As well as a talent show for the queen candidates on Friday. And the crowning of the Queen on Saturday night rounds it off.

Czech Days has been a staple in Bon Homme and the surrounding area for many years.  And it doesn’t look to go away any time soon. With a ton of culture, tradition, and fun. But one thing that some times gets over looked, is the community. For those that have been to Czech Days, it may be that a ton of friends and neighbors they know will be there. Some they maybe haven’t seen in quite awhile and came home just for Czech Days. And for others it may be a good opportunity to meet new friends.

But how do you take a town of a couple hundred people and turn it into thousands?

A ton of team work and dedication. People all pitching in to make it happen. And people doing it just because it’s part of making it all come together. And just maybe, this is part of an even bigger culture. Maybe it’s Tabor pride. Or it’s Bon Homme pride, or South Dakota, or maybe even pride in the mid-west. Whatever it is, it doesn’t happen with out the incredible people behind it. Much like so many things in South Dakota, such as volunteer fireman, organizations, groups, events and committees. It takes people standing up and coming together.  And to all the ones that make Czech Days a success year after year, as well as all the other volunteers behind the scene, I say thank you.

So for an exciting fun-filled time in South Dakota, mark Tabor Czech Days down on your calendar.

Exciter SD