Summer came to an end way too fast that year. But I was looking forward to seeing my friends again. I mean, we were starting junior high. We knew what this meant. Our own lockers. More homework. And more responsibility. I wasn’t sure any of us wanted this. At the same time it meant more freedom. So I guess there was a trade off.

“Hey Jeff! How was your summer?” “Way too short. It seems like it barely started then it was over. How about yours Steve?” “Awesome! We spent three weeks in Florida. I loved it! You ready for school?” “Are we ever really ready? I mean, I feel like school could be torture for shoplifting in some parts of the world.” “It could be worse though right?” “I’m not sure how? I mean I don’t know most of these kids. You would think in a town this small we would know all of them.” “Really Jeff? Kinda happens when three towns come to the same place. Plus, why fight it. Might as well have fun and make the most of it while we’re here. I mean more kids, also means there are a lot more dates here to right? Maybe you’re just looking at this all wrong? Any way, I gotta go.”

Maybe Steve was right. Maybe I needed to get to know some more of these people? Maybe the homework wouldn’t suck quite as bad as I thought? This may be the year I turn it all around. No looking back.

“Watch it dork!” I look up with just enough time to see all my supplies go spilling onto the floor. And Some kid I never met trying to taunt me. It was obvious he was much older than me. And bigger and stronger. Then again maybe I was right? “What was that for? I didn’t do anything to you.”

“Mr. Baker. I see you want to start the school year off making our visits a regular occurrence again? To my office now!” It was the principle. As I seen the kid walk away, I knew I was going to have to watch myself. Yep. Gotta love this school thing.

After getting lost trying to figure out where my first class was, I ended up stumbling into what I thought was the wrong room. I didn’t recognize anyone. I seen a teacher sitting behind the desk. “Ummm…is this science?” “Yes it is. Why don’t you take a seat back along that table.” I felt like an alien. And extremely out of place. And who were these two other kids I was going to sit by? It was at this point I was contemplating running away to a mountain cave some where and hiding the rest of my life.

As I sat down, I was in between two people I had never met. I thought my head was going to explode. “Hi! My name’s Tricia.” I gave her a half wave. “Ummm… do you have a name?” “Sorry. My name’s Jeff.” “Hi Jeff. The other guy over there is Troy. We went to school together last year.” Troy gave me a quick wave too. I could tell he was just about as comfortable as I was. “So are you out for sports or anything Jeff?” “I’m out for band and chorus.” “Seriously? Me too! I love music. Troy is more into sports though.” “Awesome! At least I will know someone there then. I feel like this whole school thing is just wrong.” ” I know what you mean. I haven’t really got to see my friends either. We all have different classes. Troy is about the only one I recognized.” As she said that, I looked around the room and seen a whole lot of other people looking just as nervous as me. “Well Jeff. If nothing else, you can say you met a new friend. Are you going to the football game tomorrow night?” “Yes.” “Well if I don’t get to talk to you in our other classes, I will see you there.” “Sounds good!”

As the year went on, I also began to talk with Troy. And became very close with both of them. It turned out Steve was right. I really did need to switch my thinking.

As I think back on those days now I realize that the first day of school taught me a lot. Above all, perception is everything. I could have sat there and never said a word. They would have thought I was a jerk and I probably would have never known them. Instead, I ended up with some great friends. It also taught me to interact. I can talk to people comfortably. Even in odd situations.

In this crazy year of 2020 it’s sometimes important to take a step back. And remember some of the things that school can’t teach us from home. Life lessons that we sometimes take for granted. To all the kids going back to school, be safe. To all the adults and parents, remember when you were young. And be safe as well.

Until next time

Exciter SD