Winter starting to wear you down?

Winter is wearing us down. Even the most die hard of South Dakotan’s start getting “edgy” this time of year. It’s when the cold weather is starting to get old. Where the snow flakes have worn out their welcome. And let’s face it. Covid has not made this winter anymore pleasant. I mean, in years past you could at least go shopping. Go out to eat with friends. Maybe go to a movie. Or a concert. But lets call it what it is. This winter has sucked.

If you have lived in South Dakota for very long, you’re quite aware that spring should be coming soon. I say “should” because quite frankly, spring can come by the end of February. Or it may not show up until July. We are at the mercy of mother nature. Who seems to have a sense of humor. Regardless, spring is coming. It’s that time until then I want to talk about. What can we do?

Here are some ideas to try to shorten up the winter. Keep in mind, this will vary drastically from person to person. Not all of these ideas will excite you. But there should be something you can pick out that you will enjoy and help you grind out the winter.

Keep in mind, I will leave off obvious things you are probably already doing. Movies, books, TV, video games I’m sure are already on your list. These are things to stretch your legs a bit. And hopefully get you away from that mindset.

Reach Out To Friends Or Family

This isn’t just send a quick message on messenger. Or sending out a text. Pick up the phone and call them. Find out how that old friend has been doing in their life. Ask grandma what shows she’s been watching. See what the rest of the world has been doing. We don’t like to admit this, but we are social critters. And the time away from people leaves a hole in a lot of people. And even if you’re not one of these people that likes actual interaction, that doesn’t mean the ones you care about are the same.

On this same subject. I have a really adventurous idea. Write a letter. I realize this primitive form of communication has gone the way of the dinosaurs. But it can still be fun to do. And is a true sign of showing someone you care about them. You can include pictures from Christmas. Or maybe a gift. Keep in mind, you don’t have to write a novel to them. Just show them you’re thinking about them. It will go a long way in brightening anyones day.

Plan Your Next Adventure

Start working things out for spring. Start deciding what veggies will go good in the garden and look up what fertilizers may make it grow better. For that matter you can even start pre planting some of your plants in the house.

Get the boat ready to go in the garage. Look up ways to get better gas mileage out of it. Or maybe just look into different places to go try it out. You can also sort out that tackle while you’re at it. And make a list of things you need to buy or fix. It’s also a great time of year to change your string in your rods. Maybe even try some ice fishing. If you’re not already.

Make a plan to explore some new hiking areas. Look up some of the best ones and make a list. Or maybe some bike trails that look interesting. Or maybe just look at some new parks to explore. Get some information on them. See when the best time to go will be for you. Then plan it out.

You could even figure out what needs to be fixed on that camper. As well as make a plan for some weekends. Figure out places you want to stay.

All of these little things can add up quick to your time to actually doing these things. So you can spend more time doing the things you enjoy. And it will make your actual trips a ton more enjoyable.

Work On Home Improvement Projects Or Repairs

We all have things that need to be done. And we all have those things we procrastinate about because we have better things to do. This is a great time of year to put those plans into action. Start getting the parts and pieces together. Make a list of what you’ll need and start getting costs. Watch some videos or read up on how to do your project. There really isn’t anyone who can’t pick up some pointers on fixing or doing things. And thanks to your local library and YouTube, you can get a ton of great information.

If it’s something simple. And something that doesn’t get done outside. Do it. And just think, the time you spend now, will leave you more time for things you actually enjoy later.

Start A Hobby Project

This is a great time of year to start a new hobby project. Something we didn’t have time for normally, but we always wanted to do.

This will be completely personal. Everyone has their own interests. And everyone will have a different idea of something they may enjoy. Some may want to learn to knit. Others may love to get some old baseball cards. You may want to print some pictures and make a family photo album. You may want to write or start a blog or vlog. The possibilities are limitless.

Can’t think of one? Name something that really interests you and run with it. Look up stats. Find out more information. Make your own top 100 list of the greatest. Call up your friends and see if they can compare to your list.

Early Spring Cleaning

I never understood why a person would want to wait until spring to do their spring cleaning. I myself have so much better things to do come spring. But I digress.

This one is definitely the least sexy thing on the list. But clean out your clothes. Straighten up that garage. Sort through that attic. Go through your cupboards. Even though this one may not strike your fancy. Keep in mind the time you spend now, will leave time for better things come this spring.

Start A Workout Program

One of the biggest reasons we get into such a funk this time of year, is because we become much less active. And I do realize this one also isn’t real inviting. But just a bit of working out can make you feel a ton better. And this doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Just getting yourself active can help.

This will look very different for different people. If it’s possible you may want to look into a gym membership. A lot of communities have them available. Even though there may be some restrictions right now, it’s worth looking into.

Just doing some simple exercise at home though can make a huge difference. Maybe see if you can get some dumb bells you can use. Look up some aerobics exercises online. Or just do some sit-ups and push-ups.

Another thing to look into is that a lot of communities have times where people can walk inside. Sometimes it’s a High School gym. Others may have a mall or other indoor place they can walk. And without question, if it’s nice enough outside, just go for a walk. It can help you feel a ton better.

Make sure you write down your goals for your exercises. Do you want to lose weight and look better in your pants? Or do you just want to feel more active. Both are neither wrong or right. But what you want to do will look very different depending on that goal. And every day you go to workout, look at that piece of paper to remind you of that goal.

This time of year we start to feel a bit bogged down and not ourselves. And any one of these things mentioned can help us turn things around. The CDC has said that depression is at an all time high. Here is their article if you would like to read it. Couple that with a long winter. And this can make for a very scary combination. And if you are a person having these problems, it goes without question, you should reach out to someone. It’s never weak, to ask for help.

I hope this helps you get through the dog days of winter a bit better and easier. And before we know it, spring will be here. With a promise that hopefully things will get back to normal. Until then though, have fun and enjoy whatever you do. You deserve it.

Until next time.

Exciter SD