“Late at night when the sun goes down. Riding across the plains. I’m going past the Badlands. That’s where spirits remain.” Randall Zwarte

There is something very different about this National park. Something very other worldly. A rugged beauty that’s hard to comprehend. You really get the feeling you’re in a barren desert. With scattered grass and harsh rocks as far as the eye can see. But it seems to pull you in. With what is a surreal landscape. That is almost beyond words.

But what do people see there? What makes it so special? And why does it seem to lure people back time and again?

Long before white people were ever in the area the Lakota and Sioux used the Badlands for their hunting grounds. And because of this, story’s and legends of past warriors making their presence know are wide spread. Perhaps it’s this spirit energy that brings people in?

You don’t have to go far into the park to find wildlife living in what seems to be a barren area. But prairie dogs, antelope, bison, deer and even big horn sheep can be found scattered throughout the park. And in a lot of cases you can get a very up close and personal look at them. Just make sure you keep your distance. Since they are still very much wild animals. Could this be the reason?

Maybe people see what many movie directors have seen? An unworldly landscape that makes it hard to imagine it could exist on this planet. With movies like “Starship Troopers” and “Armageddon” filmed there. Or an old world style that seems time has forgotten. With movies like “Dances With Wolves”. Or the ones that seem to have picked this area for it’s cultural and historical richness. With movies like “How The West Was Won”, “Thunderheart”, and “Chief Crazy Horse”

Some of the most extreme climates on the planet take place here. With bone shattering cold. To melting heat. This place is not to be reckoned with when it comes to extreme weather. From tornadoes to blizzards. Sometimes even with in the same day. With temperatures ranging from 116 F to -40 F. For the extreme weather enthusiast, maybe this is their reason.

Maybe people just like the hiking. From a nice casual walk to what’s definitely more extreme climbing. Maybe it’s scenic trails and miles of them making this area special? Where you could spend weeks just exploring these areas.

Maybe hiking and exercise aren’t your thing though? So just the scenic drive and overlooks awe inspire you. With even a quick trip through the drive without stopping can last half a day. And giving plenty of breath taking views from the comfort of your vehicle. With a ton of stopping points to take pictures or just enjoy the scenery.

But maybe camping is your thing? There are several campgrounds throughout the area. And all of which can be stayed at. As well as being able to camp anywhere in the park. An experience that I’m sure is a very beautiful rugged experience.

So what is it that lures people to the Badlands? I think it’s different for everyone. Beauty, adventure, the great outdoors, history, or awe inspiring views. All of them are right. And the land does seem to have it’s own aura. And it’s own life. It brings people back. And it’s spirit remains unchanged, and unbroken. To learn more about the Badlands go to the National Park Service website or South Dakota Game Fish and Parks.

Until next time.

1 Comment

  1. Mary jo Bertrand

    Jeremy Bertrand you make me feel like I was there with you even though it has been at least 50 years since I was there. Thanks for the memories!!!

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