Lots of people love the thrill of spooky stories. And anyone who has lived in South Dakota has heard eerie and spooky stories. Maybe it’s sounds from an old widow that died alone in her house. Maybe it was towns people that took matters into there own hands secretly. With the ghost wanting his revenge. Maybe it’s some mysterious creature that lives in certain areas of South Dakota.

People do have a mysterious love for things that scare them. Whether it’s books, movies, or stories. People grasp a hold of the paranormal. But in South Dakota?

According to the website “The Thrillist” South Dakota could possibly be the most haunted state in the US. From historic Deadwood to Devil’s Gulch. South Dakota has more tails of spooks and the paranormal then you can shake a stick at. Lets dive into some of these.


Getting it’s start in it’s wild west roots, the town of Deadwood has some of the most notorious ghost sightings around. With legends of “Wild Bill Hickok” and “Calamity Jane”. This being their resting place after all. This town has historic roots that scream ghosts from the wild west. With maiden’s unjustly killed. To gun battles in the middle of town.

You can even get tours of some of these haunted locations. The Historic Adams House, The Bullock Hotel, and The Fairmont. With The Bullock Hotel even getting a spot on the TV show “Unsolved Mysteries”.

You can also see Deadwood featured on the TV show on the Travel Channel known as “Ghost Adventure’s“.

Out of a very haunted state, Deadwood could quite possibly be one of the most haunted cities. And could definitely be a part of a true ghost hunting adventure.

Springfield/Running River Ferry

From a very known one, to much lesser know. From the late 1800’s until 1984 there was a ferry boat that went back and forth from South Dakota to Nebraska. Since this area didn’t have a bridge until 1998 (The Chief Standing Bear Bridge) this was easily the fastest way to get to Nebraska back and forth. But because of the river not being navigable in this area due to sandbars, cliffs, and low waters the ferry was taken out of service. This ferry when in service, did not run in the winter. Because of the ice. And often times in spring and late fall still had to push it’s way through chunks of ice.

But the story is that on the Missouri river late at night, a steam boat can still be seen heading down the river. Some even claim to hear a steam engine as well. Mostly in the area known as the bottom road. It’s also said that people have been seen walking across the waters in this area.

Sica Hollow State Park

Considering this one was named after the Native American word meaning “evil or bad”. This one may explain itself. Once a Dakota Sioux hunting ground, this was thought to be an area were Sioux mythical figures fought. The first white man to make his home there was a man by the name of Robert Roi. The Sioux thought he was nuts. Since they wouldn’t step foot on this land.

There are some very strange things that happen that science has written away in this area. How about a stream that runs blood red? This is said to be from iron deposits. Or maybe wood that’s glowing green? Said to be from phosphorous from the rotting stumps. Some believe this to be much deeper than that though.

It’s also said that people have heard drums and other sounds. They have also seen fire from long distances that can never be found. As well as big foot type creatures. And even Indian braves.

The Orpheum Theater

This is the first on the list to include a particular ghost. He is so legendary, he has even been named. Larry. This is also one that is said to be confirmed by several people.

The Orpheum Theater was built in 1913. It was recently revamped in 2009. And Larry has a lot of people that have seen him. However, his story ends there. No one really knows who he is or why he haunts the building. Stories range from failed suicide from a jilted love. Others claim he was a construction work that died at the sight. No matter which story you believe a lot of people have felt him. And he doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon.

The Badlands

For those that have ventured into the Badlands National Park you already know. The Badlands have a very “other worldly” feel to them already. This area has been featured in several movies because of this. It’s very cold almost ghostly rocks and landscape can make you forget where you are. It can all be extremely creepy and desolate even during the day. For a closer look, here is a link to to learn more about the area.

During the night? People have seen spirits of long dead Native American warriors. Or the wails of spirits past. You may also see objects flying across the sky way faster than anything human.


There are a few spots in Yankton that get some recognition for being haunted. Though not as infamous as Deadwood. The first on the list is the most notable.

Mount Marty College starts off this list. One of the most notable stories being a nun that is said to haunt the hall. With people having seen her many times. But this isn’t the only spook said to be here. There is also a young lady that haunts the elevator. Top it off with a man in polyester pants wandering the halls. As well as a floating mass that seems to have no real form. Put them all together and you have one haunted area. With one room being completely off limits for awhile with so much unexplained activity coming from it.

That may be enough to put Yankton on the list alone. But then you would leave out the Dakota Theater. With floating faces seeming to appear out of no where. And screams of terror coming from no where. This should also be note worthy.

But wait. There’s more. Along the river Cat like creatures have been seen and vanish without a trace. Strange voices that are said to be heard with no one around. And floating balls of light speeding away in the blink of an eye.

With all of this being on the list Yankton, could definitely fight for number one most haunted city in South Dakota along side Deadwood.

Laframboise Island

Making our way to the state capital, the next on the list is Laframboise Island. Also known as “Bad Humor” island. This area sits at the mouth of the “Bad River”. From the island the capital building can be seen in the distance. With abundant scenery and wildlife this is a scenic and beautiful stop on the list.

Then theres the haunting. It’s said that people have been warned away from the area from ghost Teton Sioux that used to live in the area. With voices and noises that can’t be explained. People that have been to the island also feel as though they are being watched as well. And drastic temperature changes are said to be felt in certain spots of the island.

Devil’s Gulch

Devil’s Gulch is know usually for a different reason. This supposedly to be the legendary spot where Jessie James jumped his horse across more than 18 ft across. Located outside of Garretson, this beautiful spot is very scenic and a very popular tourist spot to stop.

But there is said to be two lovers that still seem to linger in this spot. The story goes that a young wife was pulled from her house by bandits. Then taken to Devil’s Gulch. Her young husband came for her with vengeance. And killed most of the bandits. But not without his wife and himself suffering life ending injury’s themselves. These are just one of the spirits that have said to be seen. With sightings of mysterious shadows crossing the bridge over the Gulch. Floating ghosts above the water. And moans, groans, and screams have all been experienced at this area. This had to make the list.

Spook Road

Next on the list is a road outside of Brandon known as “Spook Road”. At first glance this one seems to be only a sleepy country road that winds through some truly beautiful territory.

But this one seems to defy some logic. If you go over this road going one direction you can count 5 bridges. On the way back you only count 4. Having done this myself, it is truly a strange and eerie feeling. This may be enough to make you think the road is haunted. But stories of people hanging from the trees and ghosts floating across the road may tip the scales to believe even more.

Homestake Opera House

What is with haunted theaters? The Homestake Opera House is next on the list. It is said that a women has been seen on the stage appearing to rehearse her lines. Nothing strange right? Until they realized no one was in the building. With numerous reports of screams heard. As well as strange grunts and noises. Apparitions floating above the chairs and the stage have also been seen numerous times. This one is definitely not to be left off the list.

Is South Dakota Really That Haunted?

So is South Dakota really the most haunted state? To answer this I talked to a paranormal investigator from Texas James W.

Me: So are you a ghost hunter?

James: No. I am a paranormal investigator. We try to find truth using science and reason before we dismiss anything as just a “ghost”. I myself also use the bible as a reference. A lot of truth can be told using it. We challenge preconceived notions.

Me: So when you hear of an area being haunted, what do you often believe to be the case?

James: You have to fact check. A lot of areas have very similar myths and legends that seem to follow from one city to the next. A lot of times these things can be proved with a little bit of fact checking.

Me: So what’s your thoughts when specific areas having ghosts or being haunted with reoccurring ghosts?

James: Sometimes this can be explained using quantum physics. As in that a moment in time can get stuck and repeated. This could explain a lot of reoccurring ghosts. But these worm holes and rips in time are a bit beyond our understanding.

Me: So what do you think when you hear someone talking about strange creatures or monsters existing?

James: It’s very possible. It’s a science called Cryptozoology. Some people find and prove new life on this planet all the time. There are still a ton of things we don’t know yet. So it’s not hard to believe.

Me: So when you hear of a town, cemetery, or area where bad things have happened, why do you think these areas often seem so haunted?

James: A lot of times these areas are tied very heavily to peoples emotion. Areas where someone was killed. Or places that have an emotional connection. So peoples emotions can create things. That being said, we can do things to prove haunting and ghosts. Most of these devices test for light and electromagnetic fields. But any place can be haunted. You just have to try. I once recorded a ghost a my grandmothers house. I asked why he was there. He said “I like being here”.

Me: Any thoughts why it seems that there are so many haunted theaters?

James: I think it has to do with the size. Any where that has size or space can give off eerie vibes. Have creepy sounds. And do weird things with a persons mind.

I would like to send a big thank you out to James for his time and the interview.

Regardless of what you believe, there is no doubt that South Dakota has some very questionable spots for paranormal. And we have all heard some of these stories. This is a portion of sightings of strange things that some times just can’t be explained.

So what are your favorites? Is there one you know that I missed? Have you ever had a haunting? Or maybe you seen or heard somthing you just couldn’t explain? Leave a comment. I would love to here them.

Until next time.


  1. Colleen

    Yankton south dakota —my haunted house was on the Montel William’s Show in 2006 with Sylvia Browne I’ve had several hauntings over the past 28 years people who lived in this house before me also have claims to hauntings
    I have many photos taken with a camera 35mm (old style)…
    The house has been featured on many worldwide web sights and local news stations
    My house was the very 1st authentic haunted house to ever be offered for sale on EBAY also was in a book written by award winning author John Kachuba. I have not come forth for years nor spoke up when others claim that they had the most haunted house/building.
    I do believe Yankton is as haunted as Deadwood if not more and that is why I came forth now

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