“I can’t believe they did this Sue! I mean why in the hell won’t the council do something about this! This problem has got to stop!” “What do you mean Mary?” “I mean, they are doing nothing to help this situation. And their half hearted attempts do even less. I can’t believe they didn’t take my advice? I mapped out exactly what they need to do to fix this issue. Yet they keep doing the same things.”

“You were giving the council advice? You didn’t tell me that. What did they say?” ” Yes I did. I posted it online in the comments section of the website.” “Website? You mean the public Facebook page? Are you sure the council even reads that? I just thought that was there to give information on events happening.” ” What’s the difference! They should be listening to the public all the time. That’s their job. That’s why we hired them.” “So you expect they are going to listen to every single post and use every idea that comes across their desk? Sorry Mary. I don’t believe that’s possible or makes any sense. They would be going in circles all the time.”

“Seriously Sue! I thought you were my friend. I thought you would be there for me. Shows how much you care I guess.” “Mary stop! I do care. And I am your friend. Just because I don’t see things the way you do doesn’t change who I am and what we are. Don’t turn this into a war over our friendship.” “Fine. I just don’t understand why people don’t see this my way. I mean it’s so obvious.”

“If that’s the case, why aren’t you running for the council? I mean, maybe you could do a lot of good. Especially if it seems to be obvious to you. It sure doesn’t seem that way to others.” “Ha! Like I would give my time to them. They probably still wouldn’t listen anyway.” “Well that would be the best way to be heard right? You could at least have a voice in the fight. And work towards fixing the issues.” “Well. I suppose I could. But I am way to busy to stick my neck out there for them though. I’ll pass.”

“Have you ever went to the council meeting then? They have them once a week.” “Of course I did Sue! Don’t you remember when I went in there the last time we had issues. I let them have a piece of my mind.” “Did they take your advice then?” “Advice? What do you mean? I let them have it.” “I mean you did have a way to fix the problem right?” “No I did not Sue. Once again, that’s their job not mine.” “Do you ever think that just maybe, they are only trying to do what they think is right? After all, a new set of eyes may be what they need.” “Well if that’s their best, maybe they shouldn’t have taken their position.”

“Mary. Look! There’s Steve. He’s on the council isn’t he? Go talk to him. Tell him your idea for fixing things.” “Well, he is shopping. I don’t really want to stop him right now. Plus, if he didn’t like my idea before why would he now.” “Go talk to him. What’s the worst that could happen?” “Fine. I’ll go. Just don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

“Hey Steve. Have you got a second? I mean, if your busy and don’t mind.” “Mary. Not at all. What’s on your mind?” “I was wondering if you seen my idea I wrote the council on the website?” “Website? Ohh. You mean your Facebook post. I did. I loved it. We don’t see every single comment that we get. Yours did catch my eye though.” “You did? Thank you. I knew you were the smart one on the council. When are you starting on it?” “Smart one? Hold on Mary. I said I liked the idea. We unfortunately can’t do it. It’s above our budget. And we don’t have the legal authority either. But what we really need is a whole lot more people to make it happen. The council is spread too thin right now. If we had some volunteers to help it along though, it would be perfect. And it would definitely help the problem. I would be very pleased to see it come together. It is a great idea.” “OK Steve. Good talking to you.”

“What did Steve say?” “Pfff. Just what I figured Sue. He’s too lazy to do anything. And that spineless council is afraid it may upset some one. Come on Sue. I’m heading home. Time for me to blast that council again.”

“Well done, is better than well said.” Benjamin Franklin

Until next time.

Exciter SD