“We’re going to Great Grandma and Grandpa’s house tomorrow. Then we are going to your other Grandma’s for supper. So get some sleep.” “OK Mom.”

As I lay there that night, a lot of my thoughts went to the Easter before. Every year since I could remember we always made it a point to go to Vermillion to my Great Grandparents. Then to my Grandmother’s house in Scotland. Then we go to church Sunday morning. Easter weekend was always busy. And I loved it as a kid.

The week before, we went to the town Easter egg hunt. Seeing my friends and people from all of the town. We were all running to find our eggs. Kids filling their baskets as quick as they could and running for the next one. I had picked up 6 of them. As I count my eggs, I look back and see a younger kid crying. His basket was empty. It was then I see another kid handing an egg to him with a gentle smile. His eyes lit up.

Last year, my Great Grandparents gave me a big basket. It contained jelly beans, chocolate rabbits, and marshmallow candies. All of my cousins were there. It was the one time of year I seen some of them. I loved seeing my whole family like that. As we would leave, my Grandmother would give me a kiss on the cheek and a great big hug. I really wasn’t into the mushy stuff, but I was ok with it since it didn’t happen too often.

That night we went to my Grandmother in Scotland’s house. Once again, family I hadn’t seen in a long time getting together and sharing a meal. And once again I got loads more candy. As I look through my basket I remember plotting which ones to eat first. After supper of course. And with that, big hugs I got from my Grandmother. It always gave me fuzzy’s. Seeing my Grandparents and family really did stick out most to me.

The day after all of that happened we went to church. I knew the story already. Hearing it again though didn’t bother me. And it brought me comfort every time. Afterwards we had a brunch in the church basement. Seeing everyone there and enjoying all the great food filled my heart.

As I lay there in bed trying to take my Mom’s advice of getting sleep, I couldn’t help but think, “What does Easter really mean to me? What was Easter going to be when I grow up? Will my kids remember it how I did?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized what it meant to me. I knew the day would come when all of this would go away. I knew these moment’s wouldn’t last forever. So when I get up to go to my Great Grandmother’s tomorrow, I’m going to give her a big hug. I’m going to say hi to my cousins, aunts and uncles and let them know I’m thinking of them. I am going to hear the story again for the first time. And I’m going to tell as many of them as I can “Happy Easter.” Laying here in bed I know. The best time to do something, is now.

Happy Easter everyone. Be safe. And reach out to the people you love.

Until next time.

Exciter SD