Since winter has returned with vengeance, I feel we need a change of pace. A quick glimpse into being a kid. School just got out. And it’s time to live it up. One thing South Dakotan’s take for granted is the fact kids have a bit safer atmosphere in the summer. And with so many things to do, as a kid, I was rarely home. It usually looked something like this.

I would wake up grab my bike and head to baseball practice. Meeting my friends half way there. Whom were also running late. Showing up only to have our coach telling us to start running. After doing a few trips to the fence in the outfield, we would get to take some batting and fielding practice. A lot of my friends I played baseball with would only come into town to practice with us. So this may be the only time I see them during the summer. I looked forward to it.

Next was swimming lessons. I had the swimming capability’s of a rock. So it took me a few years to get through the beginners lessons. Most of the kids in this group were younger than me. It didn’t bother me. I knew after dinner, I would be back at the pool and my friends would be there.

Meanwhile,heading back home, my little brother would be following behind closely. Grumbling about how I would be in trouble if I didn’t wait for him. He was a pain. And it seemed like he was always trying to get me in trouble. So i would slow down enough for him to catch up. Not quite enough to were I could hear him cussing me out though.

Once home I would grab a sandwich or something to eat. It was then time to run to mow lawns. My only source of income as a kid. I got paid enough for treats at the pool. And enough to put away money for my guitar. The guitar I currently used worked, but was cheap and didn’t stay in tune. So I needed something more reliable. The way I figured it, by the end of summer I could afford the new guitar and amp I had my eye on. I just so happen to have both of those guitars to this very day.

Running back home to pick up my brother, we headed out for the pool. My friends Brian and John were already waiting.

“What took you so long? We’ve been here for two hours.” “The pools only been open for 10 minutes Brian. But nice try. John. Did you see Jenny is here?” “So? Why would I care?” “Come on! I know you have a crush on her.” “Nope! I did see Stacey was here though.” “You guys are perv’s” “What Brian? Who do you like?” “I’m not telling you Guys.”

About this time, I look up and see my mom outside the fence. “We were going to go fishing. Did you want to go?” “Yes! Give me a second. I’ll see you guys at the park tonight. OK?” “OK. See you then.” I knew my my dad had a softball game that night. So I would just meet up with them again then.

In the mean time, we were off to the lake. We could only stay for a little bit. It was more than enough time to catch some Crappies and head back in for supper. I love the taste of Crappies. And love catching them.

We would get back in just enough time to change clothes, eat, clean some fish, then head out the door for the game. I would usually stick around and watch them play a bit. Their games really were pretty exciting. And this night, there was a baseball and a softball game going on. Both fields were completely full of people. Cars lined all the way around the fences with tail gates down and lawn chairs up. I often wonder if there was any one in their houses. I did promise I would meet up with Brian and John though.

“Mom can I go to the park?” “That’s fine. But your brother can’t go. It’s getting dark” I looked over and seen the look of disgust on my brothers face. I did feel bad for him. I loved my brother. Inside though, I was happy to get away for a bit.

“Brian! You are here. Were is John?” “He went to the baseball game. I think I’m gong to go too.” “OK. Before you leave though you have to tell me, who do you like?” “Promise not to tell?” “Of course.” “Erin. It doesn’t really matter though. She doesn’t know I exist.” “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Erin is a nice girl. You never know.” “Anyways, I’m going to to the baseball game. I’ll see you tomorrow Bert.” “OK. I guess I’ll take off too.”

As I started walking back to the ball fields, I heard a girl call out my name. “Jeremy. Were are you going?” “Hey Jenny. I was going to go back to the ball fields since no one was around.” “If you want you can stay and hang out with me?” “OK.” We went and sat on some swings next to each other. “Hows your summer going Jenny?” “Really good. Mostly hanging out with friends and at the pool.” ” I seen you at the pool today. I’ve been there quite a bit myself.” About this time, we stopped and stared at each other. Then she started to giggle and stood up and started to walk.

“It’s a really nice night isn’t it.” I tried to scramble for some words. “Ummm…Yeah. It cooled off a lot.” “So… you like anybody?” “Well, yeah. I guess so.” “Who?” “Ummmm, I can’t really tell you that.” “Why? I won’t tell. I promise. Is it Erin? Just tell me.” “Well, it might be you.” “She got a big smile on her face and started to walk again.

I walked up next to her. I could feel a lump in my throat. I started thinking to myself I just blew it. And she probably thinks I’m some sort of perv now. Why did I just tell her that? Suddenly, she stopped and turned to me. I felt the air leave my chest and I started to get dizzy. Then she leaned into me and gave me a kiss. My first kiss. I still remember it very vividly. A sparkle of stars washed over me. She then grabbed my hand and started walking again. “I like you too Jeremy. Your a really nice guy.” We talked for another 15 minutes or so, when she told me she had to go. Little did I know at the end of that summer she was moving away.

I headed back to the ball field in time to watch the second game of the double header. My dad was pitching this one. And it was back and forth tooth and nail until the end. A perfect end to a perfect day?

This was one day in the life of a kid in South Dakota. Baseball, softball, parks, fishing, swimming and yes a bit of flirting. Maybe there are other places in the US I could have done all these things. I just don’t think it would been quite the same.

The next time you hear kids explain how boring it is this coming summer, remember this story. And remember when you were a kid. Was it really that boring?

Exciter SD