It was the week before Christmas. I knew what I wanted. I wanted a BB-gun. I seen the Christmas story movie. And I knew Ralphie obviously didn’t know what he was doing. I mean anyone with a brain knows that metal makes the BB’s bounce off. I didn’t care. It’s what I wanted. And no one was going to keep me from getting it from the guy with the big white beard.

That day, we were headed up town to watch movies and eat popcorn at city hall. This was the town’s appreciation day for kids. They also gave away bikes and even a game console. I knew I was going to win something. And while I was there, I was going to make sure Santa got my request. Hopefully with better results then Ralphie. As me and my brother walked up to the door, I could smell the popcorn and the rumble of hundreds of kids. Walking in, I seen a bunch of my friends in the corner as my mom signed me up for the prizes. I dashed off to say hi to them.

I over heard them talking as I approached. “Did you see the bikes?” “Yeah those are Cool” “Yep”. “Hey guys! How’s it going?” “Good. We were talking about that cool bike.” “That’s cool. I was hoping I won the game console. The bike would be nice though too.”

The movies were playing and I had my popcorn in hand. Even though most of the kids were too busy talking and buzzing around to notice the movie. It didn’t matter really. I was there to talk to the big guy. And win that game console.

About that time, I heard something from behind me. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” Finally he was here. Santa! A crowd of kids rushed to the corner to see him. I seen them getting in line and moving through quickly. Some getting a picture. Were they not telling them what they wanted? As I approached faster in line, I seen Santa giving out candy. I was next. He gave me a piece of candy and I seen a picture taken by my mom. Then I was being pushed out of line. I turned and looked at him. “Wait a minute. Don’t you want to know what I want?” “Santa knows. He always knows.” With that, I was pushed out of line.

About that time I heard them drawing for the prizes. This is it! I’m getting that console! I heard names drawn one at a time out of the bucket. None were me. That’s ok. I didn’t want to get picked. Then I couldn’t get the game console. Finally, They drew for the console. It wasn’t me.

I was crushed. To make matters worse, thanks to snow days, I had to go back to school Monday. One more day left yet. As I walked out of the city hall, I looked at all of the lights decorating main street. On all the power poles and all of the stores, it was clear that it was Christmas.

That Monday at school, we were there, but our heads were all in on Christmas. Not learning. The teachers seemed to know this, and basically turned it into a fun day. We also had a little Christmas party that afternoon where we played games and even exchanged a gift with one of our classmates. I had gotten my classmate a cool GI-Joe action figure. My gift was Lego’s. It was a ton of fun. We played and got yelled at by the teacher one last time together. After this, we wouldn’t see each other until the next year. A fact that kinda made me sad. It was an awesome day though. And a ton of fun. A very fitting end to this year of school.

The next night was Christmas Eve. We always went to my grandparents house. Which was a bit of a double edged sword. I loved getting all the cool presents and seeing my family members that I didn’t see a lot. It also meant though that I had to do my Christmas program at my church. I had to remember my line as well. Which I had yet to pull off successfully.

More importantly, I had to eat oyster stew before I could open presents. There were few things I dreaded more in those days than oyster stew. I even tried researching if there were laws against this kind of punishment to kids. Unfortunately, adults don’t care regardless.

As we went over, I ran around and hugged all my family members I missed. My uncle always played the game “I got your nose”. It made me giggle regardless. The tables were covered in goodies. Pies, cookies, candies and cakes as far as the eye could see. As well as pickled herring. Which for some strange reason, I liked. I walked into the living room to see a real Christmas tree. With so many presents, the floor was barley visible. I knew my grandparents would always get me clothes that I was appreciative of, but definitely not all too excited. But my great grandparents always got me cool stuff. The year before they bought me a board game I really wanted.

My mom comes into the room. “Dinner Time. Come eat quick before your program.” The words I was dreading. I knew what I was going to have to do. I was going to have to eat the oyster stew. I stood up and walked into the room with all the other kids bravely. As I walked in, I heard my cousin say the words. “Mom! I don’t like oyster stew.” “You know the rules. Eat just a little bit. Or no presents!” I seen her lean over to slurp up some of the stew, when it happened. I heard a quick gag. Then a plunking sound on the floor. The oyster stew came back up. “Now you’re in trouble young lady!”

I seen my bowl set down in front of me. And now it really didn’t set well with me. But I had to do it. I picked up the spoon and put it into my mouth. Is some one tricking me? This stuff doesn’t taste that bad. This was way better than I remembered for some reason. “Mom. Can I have some more?” She looked at me in amazement. “Of course you can. When did you decide you liked oyster stew?” I really couldn’t answer that. I really didn’t know. It just didn’t seem near as bad as I remembered. This Christmas concert thing was going to be a snap.

On our way to the church, I couldn’t help notice all the light’s in town. There was barely a house that didn’t have them. It was hard not to get some fuzzy feelings.

As we pulled up to the church there was hardly any place to park. People lined all around the outside of the church trying to get in. I grabbed my brothers arm and darted our way underneath the pile of people. We had to go find the rest of the kids in the program. It was about to start. So we got in line and slowly headed to the front of the church. As we turned and looked out to the seats, there was no place to sit. And some were even standing. I felt a hard spot in my throat suddenly.

We start singing the first song. I could feel myself getting dizzy. My part was coming up soon. And I couldn’t remember the lines to save my life. It was time. I was up. I see my Sunday school teacher mouthing something to me. It was no good. I didn’t understand a word of it. I started freaking out and was ready to crack. Then it hit me. The words flowed out like it wasn’t a problem at all. I did it.

“Good job kiddo! You did great!” Grandma always had a way of making me special. After all was said and done, my Sunday school teacher handed me a bag with peanuts, candy, and an apple in it. I started to wonder if I couldn’t be an actor?

We headed back to grandma’s. And opened presents. I got the clothes I was expecting. As well as a telescope that I loved. It was a great night. But tomorrow I got to go to my other grandma’s. As we left, grandma sent us home with goodies and gave me a big kiss. “See you love. Merry Christmas. “

As we went to bed that night, I couldn’t help think of what Santa told me. Santa always knows. What if I wasn’t good enough to get a BB-gun? What if Santa’s afraid I will shoot my eye out? I could hardly sleep.

The next morning we headed to my other grandma’s house. This grandma was a rocker. Which I loved. Because I knew she knew the bands and music I liked. So I was sure to get some of them.

“Merry Christmas!” Grandma greeted us at the door with a big hug and kiss. “Go find a place to sit. I think Santa’s going to be here soon.” The look of amazement ran through my face. Maybe he would bring the BB-gun here? Suddenly, there was a banging on the door. “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! He came in with a big sack over his shoulder. This could be it! My BB-gun! Santa pulls out his glasses and started looking at presents. The glasses seemed to do little good. Finally as he started to pass them out, I heard my name called out. I rushed up to grab the present from him. It definitely wasn’t a BB-gun. “Ok. Everyone take your seat and tell Santa thank you.” As I seen him head to the door, doubt fills my head again. As we unwrapped the presents one by one I collected them all beside me. And grandma didn’t let me down. Rock n Roll t-shirts and music. “Thank you for coming squirt. Hope you liked your presents.” Grandma gives me another big squeeze. I did. I really loved all my presents. There was still something missing though. That night we were going home to open presents with mom and dad. Last chance to get the gun I guess.

Driving home I looked around town and suddenly felt pretty lucky. I have an awesome family, a wonderful town to call home, awesome friends, and a roof over my head. My life could have been much worse. I suddenly, didn’t care If I got a BB-gun. And I realized, it didn’t matter. I was very happy regardless.

“Find your spot and we’ll hand out presents.” As my mom started grabbing from under the tree. The pile of presents built in front of me. “I think that’s it.” As my mom sat in her spot. Once again, there was no present shaped like a BB-gun. It was a good thing that I came to terms with it earlier. I really wasn’t disappointed at all. I was just happy to be there as a family.

“You guys head to bed now. It’s been a long day.” As we headed up the stairs, I felt some one grab my pajamas from behind. My dad was signaling for me to stay behind and shhhing me. “Come here quick. I gotta show you something.” I heard my brothers door close shut. “We didn’t want to give this to you until your brother wasn’t around.” My dad handed me the package. “Merry Christmas. Your brother would have thought this was a toy. And it’s not.” I opened the present and there it was. The BB-gun I wanted. “Now I have to be around when you shoot this thing. And I’m only giving you this because I know your responsible enough to get it.” “Thanks dad.” Now go get some sleep. I gave my mom and dad a big hug and went to my room.

Maybe it was the most perfect Christmas ever. I got all the things I wanted. I got to see my whole family. And I got to see my friends. One of my presents from my parents was even a game console. It was a Christmas I would never forget. As I lay my head down on my pillow, I looked out my window. I seen what looked like huge snow flakes that fell ever so lightly to the ground. It was a perfect day.

But as I lay in bed something puzzled me. How? I never told my parents I wanted a BB-gun. And I never got a chance to tell Santa. To this day, I can’t explain it. And believe it or not, this is a true story. Was it a miracle? It was to me.

This Christmas, hug the ones you love. Smile a bit more and enjoy it. One constant in life, things will change. You will never get this moment back. So make the best of it. Merry Christmas.


  1. Lisa

    Lovely post. Reminds me of growing up down by Springfield. We live in TX now, but I miss SD.

    • jeremy.bertrand1978

      The story actually takes place in Scotland. Not very far from Springfield.

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