I read an article talking about the band “Black Sabbath” that said how they got their name. They rehearsed across from a movie theater. And as they were trying to come up with a name, there was a movie across the street playing that was named “Black Sabbath”. It struck them as curious why people paid money to get the crap scared out of them? And with that vibe and thought in mind they decided to make music that scared people. And the rest is history.

Having had a chance to work at the Scotland Haunted House, I wondered the same thing. Why do people like being scared? I really never did figure out the madness behind it. But I did come up with my own thoughts.

Scary movies, books, music, carnival rides and haunted house’s all do the same thing. They give people the rush of danger, without ever being in danger. It’s a feeling that a lot of people close off and try to fight. And I get that too. I mean, why not keep the feeling’s of being attacked by a bear for the day I am being attacked by a bear?

Horror is something that is ingrained in a lot of people though. They like that rush. And a lot of people go to great lengths to get that feeling. That adrenaline starts pumping and makes them feel alive.

Getting to see this up close and personal is a true treat and honor. And helping people get that rush, is a very rewarding experience.

Here is a quick look at the inner workings of The Scotland Haunted House. As well as a my list of the Top Ten Scare Types I have seen.

Me and Frankie hanging out.

The Idea

What started as a simple way to make some money to support the local youth groups and food pantry, has become far from simple. With thousands of hours being poured into it and fifty plus volunteer’s on any given night to operate it. Headed by Velma Sudbeck, Dick Behl, a group known as the “Crazy Eights”, and a ton of volunteer’s, this place is worth the trip to Scotland. One walk through and you can’t help but realize the amount of passion and detail put in by everyone involved.

How I Got Involved

Back in August, Velma had asked if I was interested in working at the haunted house this year? I told her of course! This isn’t my first time working the haunted house. And in some of the haunted house’s of past, I even helped come up with some of the concepts for rooms.

It started for myself quite awhile ago on an abandoned house on main street of Scotland that no longer exists. A couple friends of mine asked if I could help them work on it. In particular, they needed help setting up sound in the rooms. I was excited to do so. I also asked if they needed help scaring people. They told me I probably could, but they had no idea what yet.

The weekend before the opening I was attaching wires as quickly as I could and placing speakers any were I could find that was out of the way. Velma came to show me where she thought would be the best locations.

I started talking to her about the haunted house. She loved showing off some of her creations and talking about what she could do to bring realism to the haunted house. A lot of very well organized thought went into each room. Along with a surprising amount of detail that a lot of people may not catch at first glance. All of these things helped to pull together a feeling of danger to each area playing on real fears. She also talked a lot about different horror movies. And what she could do to make that same feeling become reality.

That Thursday they wanted to do a limited screening of the haunted house to try to figure out if there were any bugs. There were. Part of which was some failed speaker wire I put in. The other, a moving wall in the upstairs. The concept was simple. The people step into the room. Then, a fake wall moved them into a tight space against another wall. The problem was every one that was going through was pushing on this fake wall or not getting out of the way. The wall even got knocked off the tracks that were holding it in place.

I had an idea. Have some people spook them away from the wall. By the time the wall closes, they will already be sandwiched against the other wall. You would then get a double scare. It worked great. And played on some very real fears that people had. This was my start into the haunted house.

Inside The Haunted House

When you go through, there is a very eminent feel of danger. In reality, you are very safe. In my years working the haunted house, I’m not aware of any injury’s to any one who has went through. That says a lot considering that last year alone over 2000 people did.

The volunteers? Well, some scrapes. Some bruises. And definitely soreness comes with the territory. This is usually an attempt to add some extra acting for realism.

The volunteers are people ranging from teens to elderly. All of them doing a part in making the haunted house work. From collecting money, to construction, to acting in the haunted house. It all comes together to be an incredible showcase of people helping the community. And a fun time for all brave enough to dare.

The volunteers are set up to do a particular task. This involves being assigned to an area that you are told what to do, but not how. This makes it very different every night. So anyone who comes more than once won’t get the same show. It also gives the person doing it a personal touch to the part they are doing. Making it more fun for the volunteer.

And if your wondering what it’s like to be the person spooking? It’s a blast. Your having fun, while you watch the people having fun. What’s not to like?

I hope to see you there! Come have some fun for a great cause.

I’m not sure what they want. But I think they like pizza?

The Top Ten Scares List

To round this up, I want to give you a list of scares in the haunted house I have seen. It’s always interesting to see peoples reactions to getting scared. Which one are you?

1. It’s No Big Deal Scare

This is a common one. Especially if you’re a teenager. This is where you pretend you didn’t get scared and act tough. But really you almost pee’d yourself. The biggest sign of this one is eyes the size of silver dollars. Even though you claim it didn’t affect you.

2. That’s Fake Scare

This one is really annoying for all that are involved, but they try to tell everyone it’s fake even though they are shaking like a leaf in a tree. The very obvious sign of this one is explaining to every one in the group it’s fake. “What! You mean that guy wielding a chainsaw isn’t a real psycho killer?! I want my money back!”

3. The Yawn Scare

The guy in your group yawning and acting like he’s board, is really on the verge of throwing up. Have pity on this poor soul.

4. I’ll Punch You Scare

This one is just plain rude, but they are insisting if you touch them they will knock your lights out. **Spoiler Alert** We will never touch you. Period. Even if you want us too. Which brings me to the next on the list

Ever get the feeling your being watched?

5. You Need A Hug Scare

As a spook I really like these ones. They recognize you had a hard day and feel that all you need is a hug. As much as we may appreciate this, we cannot touch you. It also seems to be a way to cope with being scared by tricking their own minds into saying, “It’s just a guy in a mask”. Or something….

6. Paralysis Scare

This is where the said subject locks tight, and doesn’t move. This person has to be pushed forward by the rest of his friends or the group behind him. Any motion is good for this person. It shows he is still with you in reality to some extent. This one may also fall into the next scare eventually.

7. I Pee’d Myself Scare

The person suddenly stands tall and tells the world “I just pee’d myself!!” This happens more with adults then kids.(I didn’t say it backwards believe it or not.) About this time you may hear a bit of laughing because the workers can’t help themselves. Keeping in mind we mean no disrespect.

8. Sudden Heart Attack Scare

We have never had a person have a heart attack. However countless explain that it “may” happen.

9. The Laughing Scare

These people start laughing after being scared and can’t stop. A lot of times they may be scared to tears. We love these ones too. They are obviously at the haunted house for the same reason as us. To have fun.

10. The Wet Blanket Scare

This is the guy going through determined to have a bad time and tell his friends how bad it sucks. He is also determined to ruin everyone else’s possibility of having fun as well. A word of advice for these guys. Make a mental note of who they are, and leave them at home next time. You’re welcome.

At the end of the day it’s about having fun. I hope you come join in and have fun with us for a good cause. Subscribe , share this with your friends, and leave me a comment. Let me know which scare you are? Until next time.

1 Comment

  1. Dorene

    I am one who laughs when scared. Best haunted house ever. Great people doing great things. Thanks much.

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